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News and Updates

A place to see the latest developments with Oedipus Rex at Radnor High School! Find out about crew roles, cast lists, and milestones as the show comes closer and closer to its premiere!

1/3/24 - Crew Roles  Announced!

Director: John Bateman 

Asst. Director: Abby Frey 

Stage Manager: Mayson Ritchie 

Production Manager: Alexis Braunfeld

Artistic Director: Jason Koons

Costume Designer: Lulu Pierce  

Prop Master: Sophie Tachna

Lighting Designer: Regan Whitehead 

Sound Designer: Tatyana Oksyuk 

Directing Intern - Hovan Voskeridjian

Cinematographer: TBD

Box Office Manager: Brian Dietzler

1/1/24 - Website Is Live!

The website for Oedipus Rex at RHS is now live! Find out the latest with the show, look behind the scenes with the production, and learn more about this modern retelling of a classical tale.

12/16/23 - Oedipus Rex Announced As Part Of Spring Lineup!

Four performances of Oedipus Rex will be held in addition to the previous school theatrical lineup. The play will be staged in an outdoors amphitheater in early May and directed  by veteran theatre producer John Bateman. 

2/7/24 - Audition Dates!

Beware the Ides of March... 


Auditions for Oedipus Rex will be held on Friday, March 15th! No prior experience required. Please arrive in Room 164 at 1:45 PM for processing. Come prepared with a classical dramatic monologue and to do cold readings from the script. Callbacks will be held on Monday, March 18th. The role of "Tiresias" is the only role that has already been cast. All other parts are still AVAILABLE! 

3/6/24 - Sides for Auditions

Auditions are on March 15th! Come to Room 164 prepared with a classical monologue. After your monologue you may be asked to read some sides (or excepts) from the show. The scenes will be posted here to familiarize yourself them before the audition. 





Priestess of Zeus


Tribal Scene

TBD - Cast List Announced! 




Oedipus: Ali Salem

Creon: Victor Au 

Teiresias: Bridget Walsh 

Jocasta: Emma Torres 



The Priestess of Zeus: Natalie Dumin

Antigone: TBD

Esmene: Aspen Braunfeld



Scout: TBD

Warrior: TBD

Skinwalker: Sophie Tachna 



Reverent: Dafne Kazanci

Magician: Julia Kaisermann 

Herd of Laius: Julian Kusnierz



Messenger of Corinth: TBD





Words on the Show

John Bateman, Director

John Bateman_edited_edited.jpg
"What attracted me to this show is its foundational importance. Oedipus essentially the first play that we have as humans. Because of this, I wanted to focus the primitive nature of the story. By placing the setting during the end of the Mesolithic Era, it allows us to focus of the dichotomy between societal expectation and natural laws. What is the greatest good? How much are we the playthings of forces greater than us? These are the questions I'm interested in answering."


Radnor High School - 130 King of Prussia Road - Radnor, PA - 19087

Tel: 610.688.8100

© 2024 by John Bateman


Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 8:00pm​
Sunday: 9:00am - 8:00pm

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